Hey, y’all! We are C&K Child Development, LLC

We empower parents to manage the chaos of kids.

Rebecca, Occupational Therapist
Nicole, Mom/Speech Language Pathologist

Welcome to C&K Child Development, LLC. We are two pediatric therapists and friends with a passion for child development.

As parent coaches, we use our experience to empower parents to feel confident in managing their children and household.

Our podcast covers engaging topics in a conversational format, combining real life experience with professional expertise to provide relatable content and practical strategies for parents.

We love to provide training and education to parents, teachers, and professionals.
Contact us for more information.

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Cocktails and Kids Podcast

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Interested in our parent coaching services? Contact us to see if we can be the right fit for your family.

Interested in our educational or school consultation services? Contact us for presentations, teacher/parent trainings, or program collaborations.

C&K Child Development, LLC

Parent Coaching, School Consulting and Podcast